Instreamatic VAST

Instreamatic allows you to request ads in VAST format.

In order to do so, make an ad call to{site_id}, where site_id is a site identifier.

Test tags

For Audio Ads:

777 is the Test ID

Please use these parameters only for testing purposes. We will provide your actual site_id after the integration is complete.

The same VAST-Tag format will be delivered for Contextual Audio Ads.

For Contextual Video Ads:

For alternative versions of the ad please use the following tags:

You'll receive different publisher names in each of the ads depending on the publisher ID in the tag.

Please use these parameters only for testing purposes. We will provide your actual site_id after the integration is complete.

Ad request parameters

You need to use the following construction in order to send parameters e.g. targeting details:{site_id}/{player_id}?slot={slot}&noad={noad}&preview={preview}&user_id={user_id}&ip={ip}&gender={gender}&age={age}&country={country}&region={region}&media={media}&{variable}={variable.value}


You can also use 'Variables' for additional targeting options. You need to discuss variables names you want to use, and their values with your manager.

Then you will be able to use it as follows:

{}={variable.value}, for example:

Example VAST usage for JWPlayer 6

    file: "",
    width: '640px',
    height: '380px',
    aspectratio: '4:3',
    primary: 'flash',
    advertising: {
      client: "vast",
      tag: "//"

Please find the documentation on VAST format for reference -

Last updated